Our Mission

Our Mission

To empower families and build resilience through holistic educational programs and support services.

Our Vision

All members of our community will have equitable access to family services that facilitate lifelong success.

Equity Statement

The work of Learning Empowered is rooted in diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. We work together in a trauma-informed framework that adheres to the principles of equity, fairness, and justice to reduce the impact of racial, economic, and educational disparities within our community.

Core Values

Lifelong Learning
Joy Integrity

About Us

Since 1975, Learning Empowered (formerly UMCM Suncoast) has been a thought leader in the community. We address the unmet needs of the local community in St. Petersburg and use education as a basis to address those needs.

In 2019, the Board of Directors guided our organization through a thoughtful evolution, focusing on a smaller offering of programs that could make a bigger impact. Using our Centers for Early Learning as a cornerstone, we have shaped curriculum and effective systems for integrating whole families into all our programs.

A Letter from our Executive Director

Learning Empowered is growing and making strides towards expanded facilities and services to the community. With planning and implementing innovative new services and spaces to provide supports for families, Learning Empowered is poised to meet more community needs than ever before. Our work and efforts in our community continue to be transformative to the children and families that we are dedicated to serving. Our Learning Empowered Campus at 6801 38th Ave N. now holds services that support families across the lifespan, including the integration of early learning, infant and early childhood mental health, family resource and referral supports, supplemental nutrition programs, family stability supports, early and family literacy, and Citizenship and English for Speakers of other Languages (ESOL) programs.

Learning Empowered is working to draw families and communities closer together. Our programs and services are geared to meet the needs of children and families and build life-long resiliency. This year we launched new initiatives to address the increasing needs of our families for social services, mental health, and resource access across our community. Our successes included: receiving 2 grants from the Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County to provide Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation and specialized services to children with social-emotional development and behavioral concerns and their families; a United Way Suncoast grant to provide a Mindfulness Summer Camp for preschool aged children; a 2 year Citizenship and Immigration grant through United States Citizenship and Immigration Services; and support from JWB for a renovation of a new infant/toddler care center called the Baby House.

The strong leadership of the Learning Empowered Board of Directors transcended volunteerism this year, their dedication to Learning Empowered and our community inspires all of us. Special recognition and thanks goes to the Board of Directors President, John Johnson, who has led Learning Empowered’s Board with enthusiasm and a growth mindset.

Learning Empowered continues to envision a community where every child and every family has their needs met. We strive to partner with families and community partners in meaningful ways to work together to make a positive difference in our community and celebrate the successes that we experience every day. A special thank you to Learning Empowered’s staff, board, funders and partners for continuing to work with us to build hope, strength, and resiliency through empowerment.



Lisa S. Negrini, Ph.D., LCSW, lMH-E

Let's create a better community together.

We're looking for people who want to help children and families succeed for a better tomorrow. Your support matters.

corporate sponsorship

Represent a business entity? We’d love to talk with you about how our programs could meet your philanthropic needs.

volunteer opportunities

Once a month to once a day, we can get you into an environment where you’ll thrive and feel a sense of fulfillment.

make a donation

Every dollar helps. We welcome structured gifts and can also assist in creating an endowment to help your legacy last.

Part of our mission is to work with other organizations to create an empowering system that will work for the good of the community at large. We’re happy to be partners with and partially funded by: