Triangles Program
Partnering for Early Childhood Success: The Triangles Program is for children ages 3-5 years old with social-emotional or behavioral challenges in early learning programs who are struggling in their current classroom setting.
Partnering for Early Childhood Success: The Triangles Program is for children ages 3-5 years old with social-emotional or behavioral challenges in early learning programs who are struggling in their current classroom setting.
Services to Children and Families Include:
Specialized 3 and 4-year-old social-emotional-behavioral classrooms
Behavior management and support
Individualized intervention plans based on observations and assessments
Teacher coaching and mentoring
Family counseling, support groups, workshops, and networking opportunities
Referrals and follow-up resources
Triangles is staffed with a multidisciplinary team that includes:
A Mental Health Therapist
An Early Childhood Assessor
Infant/Early Behavior Specialist and Childhood Mental Health Consultant.
The Triangles Program includes:
1. 2 specialized classrooms staffed with specially trained teachers.
2. low child-teacher ratios and small class sizes.
3. The MindUp Curriculum, a social-emotional curriculum.
The MindUp Curriculum consists of a series of lessons that work together to build a scaffolding of awareness and skills necessary to increase prosocial behavior, executive functioning, and SEL competence.
Our goal is to help them develop school readiness skills that will support their early learning, prepare them for kindergarten, and ensure their success throughout their school journey.
Referrals can be made by parents or teachers.
Call our direct line at (727) 417-0019 or Email us at