To empower families and build resiliency through educational programs and services across the lifespan.


All members of our community will have equitable opportunities for lifelong success.


Lifelong Learning




Since 1975, Learning Empowered (formerly UMCM Suncoast) has been a thought leader in the community. We address the unmet needs of the local community in St. Petersburg and use education as a basis to address those needs.

In 2019, the Board of Directors guided our organization through a thoughtful evolution, focusing on a smaller offering of programs that could make a bigger impact. Using our Centers for Early Learning as a cornerstone, we have shaped curriculum and effective systems for integrating whole families into all our programs.


Part of our mission is to work with other organizations to create an empowering system that will work for the good of the community at large. We’re happy to be partners with and partially funded by:



This year has been pivotal for Learning Empowered. We made positive changes that have been transformative for both Learning Empowered and the community that we serve. We had several facilities changes to maximize our community impact that included; selling our Largo property and moving Administrative Offices to 38th Ave. N. St. Petersburg; purchasing the St. Mark’s UMC buildings (now Learning Empowered Campus) at 6801 38th Ave N. St. Petersburg and relocating the South St. Petersburg McCabe Early Learning site to the Learning Empowered Campus. These changes allowed us to integrate our programs and maximize the new property space on 38th Ave. N.

Our programs and services have expanded this year with new efforts to meet the needs of families in our community. Our successes included; receiving a United Way grant to provide Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation to children with social-emotional development and behavioral concerns and their families; receiving a Workforce Development grant from the Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County to support staff engagement and retention at the Children of the World Early Learning Center; receiving our certification to conduct official Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) business as representatives for clients seeking Citizenship through the Executive Office for Immigration Review of the United States Department of Justice; and we began remodeling and repurposing space at the new Learning Empowered Campus.


The Learning Empowered Board of Directors have been inspirational this year. The Board has led Learning Empowered through real estate transactions, multiple moves, substantive program changes, and the many highs and lows of non-profit leadership. Special recognition and thanks goes to the Board of Directors Officers; John Johnson, Al Nixon, Kyle Oliver and Chris Wolf. Because of their leadership, and the efforts of our Board of Directors, Learning Empowered continues to grow and thrive.

Learning Empowered continues to expand our partnerships with the community to serve children and families. Together we are addressing critical needs in our community and celebrating the successes that we experience every day. I would like to thank the Learning Empowered Staff, Board Members, funders and partners in helping us continue in our mission to empower families and build resiliency for a better tomorrow.



Lisa S. Negrini, Ph.D., LCSW, lMH-E

Executive Director


We're looking for people who want to help children and families succeed for a better tomorrow. Your support matters.

Let's create a better community together


Corporate Sponsorship

Represent a business entity? We’d love to talk with you about how our programs could meet your philanthropic needs.

Volunteer Opportunities

Once a month to once a day, we can get you into an environment where you’ll thrive and feel a sense of fulfillment.

Make a Donation

Every dollar helps. We welcome structured gifts and can also assist in creating an endowment to help your legacy last.