Empowering Babies and Families

The Empowering Babies and Families Program provides Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Consultations (I/ECMHC) services throughout Pinellas County for children ages birth through three years with behavioral, social, emotional, or developmental concerns.


Services can be provided at childcare centers, family childcare homes, and in-home, through referrals from members of the Pinellas Early Educators United Association and other community partners

Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (I/ECMHC) connects a mental health therapist with the early educator and the parent to:

  • Plan and provide targeted social and emotional developmental supports.

  • Facilitate and enhance educator-family partnerships to work together in intervention planning.

  • Provide training, technical supports, family groups, educator workshops, coaching, facilitate parent-educator meetings and offer onsite support to educators and families.


Empowering Babies and Families Overview:


conveniet service

Services are delivered by a mental health therapist who comes to your family childcare home or center.

team planning

The therapist partners the parent and the early educator together as a team to develop an intervention plan to help the family and child reach goals.

family support

Families receive mental health consultation, referrals for additional services, and parent group support referrals

educator support

Early childhood educators receive coaching, team planning, stronger partnerships with parents, trainings, materials, guidance, and support.


Referrals are easy!

Contact made within 48 hrs

Call our direct line at (727) 417-0019 or Email your referral form to  referral@learning-empowered.org



Empowering Babies and Families Sponsored By: